
Professional Developers Explain Why WordPress Is Their Top Choice

As a business owner, you want technology solutions that are powerful yet easy to use. You need tools that help you achieve your goals without requiring extensive resources to support them. For many professional web developers, WordPress fits this need perfectly. WordPress began as a simple blogging platform but has evolved into a robust content management system used by major media companies, Fortune 500 companies, and small businesses alike. For developers, WordPress offers an unparalleled ecosystem of plugins, themes, and APIs to build sophisticated websites and web applications. Yet for non-technical users, WordPress remains intuitive and easy to use. If you’re looking to build an impactful web presence for your business without complexity, WordPress should be at the top of your list. In this article, professional developers explain why WordPress is their top choice for creating powerful yet user-friendly websites.

Professional Developers : WordPress Is Open Source and Extendable

Professional Developers : Open Source Software With a Vibrant Community

WordPress is open source software, meaning the source code is freely available and modifiable. This gives WordPress two major advantages.

First, as an open source CMS, WordPress benefits from the contributions of a large community of developers. The WordPress community has over 60,000 plugins and continues to grow, providing functionality for almost any need. Developers and users alike can submit bugs, suggest improvements, build plugins and themes, and contribute to the WordPress codebase.

Second, because WordPress is open source, it is highly customizable. Developers have full access to modify WordPress core files and functions. They can adjust WordPress to suit any project needs. Nothing is hidden behind a black box.

For developers, open source software like WordPress means:

  • Freedom to build without restrictions.
  • Access to a vibrant community of like-minded professionals.
  • Cost savings from not having to build a CMS from scratch.
  • Easy customization thanks to full access to code.
  • Reliability that comes from years of development and testing.

Business owners benefit from the low cost, security, and longevity of WordPress. The open source CMS has been powering websites since 2003 and continues to be improved and updated, ensuring it remains a robust, contemporary solution for years to come.

For custom WordPress development, open source is a win-win. Developers have the freedom and control they want, while clients get an affordable yet powerful website platform. It’s no wonder WordPress is the CMS of choice for so many professional developers and their clients.

Professional Developers : WordPress Has a Vast Library of Themes and Plugins

As a professional web developer, choosing the right CMS platform is crucial. For many developers, WordPress reigns supreme. Here are a few reasons why:

Unparalleled Flexibility and Customization

WordPress’ open-source nature means unlimited access to modify the core software and integrate additional features. With over 55,000 plugins and thousands of themes available, WordPress offers unparalleled flexibility to build any type of website.

Professional Developers : SEO-Friendly Framework

WordPress was designed to be search engine-friendly. It has semantic markup, customizable page titles, meta descriptions, URL structures, and more built-in. This makes it easy to optimize content for search engines and achieve high rankings.

Large Talent Pool

WordPress’ popularity means finding experienced WordPress developers and designers is easy. This large talent pool allows companies to scale teams quickly and ensure quality work.

Professional Developers : Frequent Updates

WordPress is consistently improved and updated to patch security issues, fix bugs, and release new features. Updates are delivered seamlessly through the dashboard with a single click. This continual development and dedication to security and performance is why WordPress remains a top choice.

Open-Source and Free

WordPress is free, open-source software distributed under the GPLv2 license. This means no licensing fees and full access to the source code. For developers, this is ideal as it provides total freedom to build and distribute custom solutions.

In summary, with its open-source flexibility, customizability, SEO-friendly framework, large talent pool, and dedication to security, WordPress offers significant benefits for professional developers looking to build customized solutions. This is why, for many, WordPress reigns as the top CMS choice.

Professional Developers : WordPress Is SEO-Friendly Out of the Box

WordPress comes with built-in SEO (search engine optimization) features that help improve your site’s rankings in search engines like Google.


WordPress uses permalinks, which are permanent URLs for your posts and pages. These make it easy for search engines to find and index your content. You can customize your permalink structure to include the post title, categories, tags, and more.

Meta Data

For every post and page, you can specify meta data like page titles, descriptions, and keywords. This information helps search engines understand what your content is about. WordPress’ editor has dedicated fields for entering this important information.

XML Sitemaps

WordPress automatically generates an XML sitemap that lists all your posts, pages, categories, and tags. This sitemap helps search engines discover all the content on your site. You just need to submit your sitemap to services like Google Search Console to make the most of it.

Built-in SEO Plugins

WordPress has some highly-rated free SEO plugins available, like Yoast SEO and Rank Math. These plugins analyze your content and give you tips for improving your SEO rankings. They let you fine-tune titles, meta descriptions, image alt text, internal linking, and more.

Responsive Design

WordPress themes use responsive design so your site looks great on any device. Since Google factors mobile-friendliness into its search rankings, using a responsive WordPress theme can help give you a boost.

With some basic SEO optimization using the tools WordPress provides, you’ll be well on your way to reaching more readers and gaining higher search rankings. By tapping into the power of permalinks, meta data, XML sitemaps, SEO plugins, and responsive design, your WordPress site will get noticed by the search engines and your target audience.

WordPress Has a Huge Professional Developers Community for Support

As a professional web developer, having a robust support community is crucial. WordPress has one of the largest open source communities of any content management system. This community provides documentation, tutorials, plugins, and themes to help developers build WordPress sites.

When building a WordPress website, you have access to a vast knowledge base and helpful forums. The Codex is WordPress’ official documentation site. It offers detailed references on WordPress features, functions, and APIs. WordPress also has an active support forum where you can ask questions about development or troubleshooting issues.

WordPress developers can tap into the community to find free or paid plugins and themes. There are over 50,000 free plugins and thousands of paid plugins in the WordPress Plugin Directory. For themes, you have access to both free and premium options with various styles and features in the Theme Directory. The huge selection of plugins and themes allows you to quickly add functionality or change the design of a WordPress site.

Staying up-to-date with the latest WordPress news and trends is easy thanks to the many blogs, podcasts, and events. WordPress has an official blog, and there are many third-party blogs on WordPress development. For audio learners, there are podcasts like WP Watercooler and WP Mainline. WordPress also hosts WordCamps and Meetups around the world for developers to network and share knowledge.

With its unparalleled community support, WordPress provides web developers with all the resources they need to build custom websites. The open source nature of WordPress and community-driven documentation and tools offer an advantage over proprietary website building platforms. For professional WordPress developers, the community serves as an invaluable resource for enhancing your skills and serving clients.

WordPress Is Secure and Reliable for Business Websites

As a professional web developer, security and reliability are top priorities when choosing a platform. WordPress exceeds expectations in both areas, which is why many agencies choose it to build business websites.

WordPress is the most popular CMS, powering over 35% of all websites. This widespread use and open-source nature mean any vulnerabilities are quickly found and patched. WordPress core software is frequently updated, and plugins are vetted to ensure security. With basic safety precautions like strong passwords, two-factor authentication and limiting plugin use to reputable sources, WordPress is a secure choice.

In terms of reliability, WordPress is a robust, sustainable platform. The open-source community of developers and users around the world work continuously to improve features, fix any issues and ensure optimal performance. WordPress also gives you flexibility to create automated backups, allowing for quick restoration in the event of any problems.

For business websites where security and uptime are critical, WordPress is a trusted solution. The platform is:

  • Secure: Constantly updated and patched with a dedicated security team. Vulnerabilities are quickly addressed.
  • Scalable: Can handle high traffic volumes and large amounts of content. Popular websites like TechCrunch, The New York Times and Sony Music all run on WordPress.
  • Flexible: With over 55,000 plugins and numerous themes available, WordPress can support any business need. You have full control and options to customize as needed.
  • Sustainable: Has been the leading CMS for over 15 years with no signs of slowing down. The open-source community and WordPress organization guarantee its longevity.
  • Reliable: A robust, stable platform with tools to ensure uptime and limit downtime in the event of issues. Many large brands depend on WordPress and vouch for its dependability.

For professional web developers, WordPress delivers an unparalleled level of security, scalability and reliability for business websites. The platform’s longevity and popularity make it a sustainable choice for the long term. With WordPress, you can rest assured you’re building on a stable, reputable foundation.


As you have seen from the insights shared, WordPress is the content management system of choice for many professional web developers and designers. Its open-source nature, extensibility, and ease of use allow developers to quickly build customized solutions to meet client needs. Business owners and executives seeking an affordable, user-friendly website platform need look no further than WordPress. With a robust theme and plugin ecosystem, WordPress powers over 35% of the web for good reason. For scalable, secure, and professional websites, WordPress should be at the top of your list. The proof is in the stories of the developers that use it.


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Sheryar has collaborated with us on several successful Web Development projects.